
Ben 10 Guardians S2: News Worthy

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Okay, time to get this underway. This is the last original chapter before we get back to the adaptations. I hope you enjoy it. I do not own Ben 10 as a whole, I only own my own concepts, others belong to their respective owners. And apologies for the long wait, school has a thing to be done.

News Worthy

(Frank and Natalie Tennyson's house. Bellwood, USA. June 1st, 10:15)

At a large home in Bellwood, which had two floors and a planted tree in the backyard, held within the office of one Frank Tennyson, attorney at law. Frank is a middle-aged man with his brown hair having grown out slightly to be thicker - likely from a healthy diet - with his dark brown eyes studying many legal documents. He was in his more casual attire of a white button-up shirt and a pair of slacks. As he rubbed his head, his glasses moved a bit with his hand..

Then he heard someone humming as he looked up to see his son Ken in the office rubbing his chin in thought, clearly trying to think of something as he had his laptop out. "Writing something, Ken?" Ken replied with a shrug before standing up.

"Trying to think of some music for my band. You see, besides being the bass player, I'm the guy who has to make the song. And it's a song for Ben and for everything he did. How's this?" He said as he began to get his guitar out and began to play a bit. "In a world full of aliens-...Okay, that's not sounding right…"

"And seems like something that someone else would use." Frank joked as he went back to work, as Ken began to play a bit to think of some other lyrics.

"Ben 10, he's a kid and he wants to have fun. And when you need a superhero, he gets the job done...Eh, getting better...not exactly the greatest, but it's something. I'll need to think of something." Ken shrugs as he sets his computer down and turns on the TV his dad kept in his study. As it flashed on, the first channel on was unfortunately…"Ah great, it's the 'I am a middle aged man with graying hair complaining about a teenager' channel…"

Frank looked up to see that it was Harangue Nation. This time, showing a picture of Gwen and Kevin helping Ben against a humanoid cobra-like creature in Bellwood. "What in the…?" Frank asked as Will appeared on screen.

"...As I have said plenty of times on my network, Ben Tennyson has this knack of enlisting dangerous felons to join his quote 'hero team.' After all, he has enlisted the aid of not just a well known Manhattan delinquent from 7 years ago, one Kevin Ethan Levin, but also some sort of...witch-like creature who must be clearly related to the dangerous criminal known as 'Hex.'" Harangue stated unabashedly, making Frank's teeth grit. He felt the need to turn the TV off, silencing the man's hate, before noticing something as he got closer to the TV. Instead, he paused the TV.

"What's up, pop?" Ken asked. His father didn't reply at first; instead, he began zooming in on Harangue's glasses and catching a faint reflection. This Ken noticed. "What is that?" He looked at it carefully, seeing a silver and orange color to it.

"No idea, but it seems to be of interest in this…" Frank said as he pushed the record button. He then push the play button to continue the video.

As the video resumed, Harangue looked at the screen calmly before nodding. "Speaking of, who knows what this menace to society is up too at this very moment." Harangue said, his tone firm and serious. His gaze like steel that made both Frank and Ken frown with disapproval and suspicion towards the man..

(During that exact moment. Downtown Bellwood. 10:20)

"WHY am I Enormoty!?" Ben yelled out as he was being spun around by Trumbipulor, the giant elephant trumpeting a bit with a small smirk. It soon disappeared and replaced with annoyance as Julie and Rook fired at him with their blasters with Ship giving covering fire via his turrent form. The large elephant just chuckled as he continued to smash him around.

"Well, YOU were the one who was all 'We got to stop the rampaging elephant', but failed to think of an ACTUAL STRATEGY!" Skurd cried out in annoyance.

Before Ben could retort, he was grabbed Trumbipulor, who gave him a devious smirk, before he started to crush him. "I know Atrosians are tough buggers, but lets see how much will take to crush you!" He said eagerly. Then, as he applied more pressure, something unusual happened.


Everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing; that sound confused many. Julie and Rook were looking around in confusion to find the source of the sound. Meanwhile, the elephant-like alien looked down at Enormity oddly.

"What the…?" Skurd asked in confusion. Then, Trumpbipulor squeezed the yellow-tinted alien again; making the same squeaking sound.

"Ow…" Enormity muttered in pain as Trumbipulor kept squeezing him, making him squeak in continuation as the elephant just laughed at this.

"Oh man, this is hilarious!" He laughed at this as Julie stifled a giggle, but Rook kept mostly a cool face though he had a faintly amused smirk.

"OKAY, This is getting old!" Enormity muttered in annoyance before he started to suck in some air and his body starting to expand. Unknown to anyone here, Jimmy was recording the whole thing via his camera phone.

"This is Jimmy Jones with Ben 10 Watch, showing the REAL news about Ben 10 Live. I am at the scene where Ben's sumo alien, Enormity, is about to give a smack down." Jimmy said, doing a play by play. He then pointed as he saw Ship go around Julie. "Ooo, it looks like Julie is giving some back up...and it's…" He then saw her turn into a new suit; It was a spider-like armor with three legs going over her torso and three going on her back, with one 'leg' going down each arm. Hre helmet is also styled similarly to a spider's head with the green eyeholes, with Ship's eye within a sort of black widow-like symbol. "Spider armor? That's odd…"

"Keep him still, Ben!" Julie said as she and Rook both moved around before both firing out nets at him, creating entanglements for Trumpibolar. "Got him!" She said with a small smirk, but ducked when an energy blasts the stuck elephant man, making him yell out as he got hit. "Uh...I didn't do that." She quickly pointed out.

"It was me. Didn't want any distractions." said a voice, that made some news cameras that were near by turn as Enormity turned as well, only to looked shocked as he saw a robotic figure pointing a blaster in their direction. It was a rather plain-looking orange and black robot with a computer screen for a face. What shocked them however was the familiar voice. "Hello...Ben."

"Nesmith?" Enormity asked as he turned back to his human form, his eyes narrowed darkly. "What are you doing back? I thought you turned yourself in."

"That was for Jennifer's sake. But this is gonna be more personal. You and your friends are gonna feel my wrath." Nesmith said with a dark tone, clenching his fist.

Rook, understanding the threat, fired his Proto-Tool at the robot. He blasted the head off, leaving a sparking neck area clear before falling over with a thump. Jimmy gulped uncomfortably, but then got a thought. Quickly, he took off on his bike without the three noticing he was there.

"Apologies, but I do not take threats well." Rook said to the others, who stared at him in shock. He then asked, "Who is this 'Carl Nesmith' person?"

"He was a super hero back when Ben and I were kids. Turned into a grade-A jerk after Ben's secret was revealed." Julie explained with a frown. "Kidnapped me and an actress named Jennifer Nocturn, and nearly killed us to get to Ben."

"Then Jennifer got stockholm syndrome from the whole thing and helped him break out after that…" Ben said with a small frown, sighing a bit. "I used to look up to him, you know. Kangaroo Kommando and him were the reasons why I wanted to become a superhero."

"And then the main actor's brother nearly killed you when you and Gwen went to a theme park to watch a show that had the original actor involved, and then the situation with Nemesis occurred, correct?" Rook asked as Ben nods, causing the Revonnahgander to look at him with sympathy. "Sorry to hear that."

"Well, you know what they say about your idols...never meet them, you're begging for disappointment." Skurd said with a small would-be scowl on his face. Then Ben's cell phone began to ring as a text came in. Ben took it out with a confused look on his face, Skurd slinking around to read it. "'Check out Channel 23'? Is that not where that annoying Harangue character tries to berate you with shawty news casting?"

"Yep." Ben said as he turned his phone onto TV mode and checked on it. On it, Harangue was talking about...Julie? He did a double take on that, confused.

"...and it's not just that she's gotten together with this menace to our society for over a couple years now, but she's also allowing some sort of alien parasite take hold of her. How do we not know that creature is not a pod for a global plague of techno-organic life?" Hanrauge asked, showing a picture of Julie fighting with Ship in armor form.

"Global plague!?" Julie shouted overhearing the broadcast. "Does this guy even know what he's talking about!?" Julie asked in rage, her tone scathing as she grit her teeth in annoyance. Skurd recoiled a bit, muttering something about 'the Julie-splosion'.

Then, over the video, another ding indicating another text appeared. "Hey, my Uncle just sent a text." Ben said before looking at the text, which he read aloud; "'Ben, I found something in one of his past news cycles. This could be of some use to you.' Suddenly the image of one of the news site came on and showed a blurry close up to Harangue's glasses, which showed a golden-colored armor. "That's gotta be Nesmith…"

"We better get to Plumbers HQ. They can help clear the image." Rook said, as Ben nods in agreement. He then pauses as he sends the image to Julie's phone.

"You two go on ahead. Skurd and I will scoop out for Nesmith. I don't want to know what he's doing here in Bellwood." Ben said, pausing as Julie gave him a nod, understanding his intention. Ben then slammed down, shimmering a bit. He then grew out into Mattear, roaring out the name in Ben 10 fasion.

"BRB." Skurd said casually before Mattear went into the ground, it shimmering like liquid. Literally like swimming, he began slashing his way around the area before going up onto a building after sliding along its brick side.

Rook stared at this as he says, "That alien is still...quite odd." Julie nodded in agreement before they took off to get for HQ. Neither was aware of an armored figure watching them from afar on top a rooftop before vanishing into the shadows.

(GrandSmith Towers. 10:45)

Eddie was currently listening to some music while doing some paperwork, humming slightly to the song. As he listened to music and did his work, door suddenly opened. Surprising him, he watched as a familiar kid was chased into the room by one of his security guards, trying to catch him.

"Mr. Grandsmith!" shouted Jimmy worriedly. "You may be in trouble!"

"Jimmy?" Recognizing the kid, Eddie stopped the music and moved to cease this chase. "It's okay, Austin, he's a friend of mine."

The guard immediately stopped his chase upon hearing his boss. He quickly complied with a nod, "Yes, sir." The man then took his leave. As he did Jimmy gave him a rather smug smirk that made his mad, but held his tongue as left the room.

With the guard gone, Eddie quickly got to the point. "Now, why am I suddenly in trouble, Jimmy?" He asked calmly.

"It's Nemesis, he's back! And since your grandpa bought this place, he may go after you!" Eddie stared at him oddly, before Jimmy confessed, "Okay, I followed Ben around. Sue me. I came across their fight with Trumbipulor when one of Captain Nemesis's robots showed up."

Eddie nodded in understanding. "I gotcha." Then, he frowned. "Though I do have to deal with my own issues besides that…" Eddie muttered as he turned on the TV and showed Jimmy a snippet of one of Harangue's news reports.

"...and lets not forget the man financing this insanity; one Edwin Grandsmith, the grandson of the Hotel Tycoon that took over the fallen hero, Carl Nesmith's, legacy and turned it from a safe and wholesome place to a den that worships alien conquerors." Harangue said, making Eddie scowled a bit.

"I am getting my lawyers ready to sue him for libel charges, that is for certain. Frank Tennyson called me about this and..." Eddie starting going quite as he soon caught something on the screen. "Wait a minute." He said before pausing the screen as he saw a picture being displayed. It was one taken of him in the factory area of his company. "How did he even get that picture? I didn't invite anyone into my place of business?"

"So Harangue is doing some dirty dealings, huh." Jimmy said intrigued, taking out a paper and pencil. "Better write that down…" As he wrote, he and Eddie heard a slight rumbling sound. They turned and saw the wall get opened up and Mattear jumping out. Immediately, Mattear closed the hole behind him, even smoothing it out.

"There we go." Mattear said proudly. Afterwards, he changed back to himself.

"Ben?" spoke Eddie, concerned.

"Yeah, hey Eddie, I…" Ben stopped speaking as he quickly spotted Jimmy in the room too. "Jimmy? What are you-...nevermind."

Jimmy bashfully smiled and waved to his hero. "Hehe, hi Ben."

Regardless, Ben got back to the point of his visit. "Eddie, sorry to arrive unannounced but I'm here to make sure Carl doesn't try anything funny, okay?" Ben watched as Eddie gave a small nod in appreciation as he sat down at his desk. He then saw the TV Screen and frowned. "You got targeted too?"

"Yeah. They've done a report on everyone you have ever teamed up with. Kevin, Gwen, Julie, Rook, myself, JT and Cash, and even grandpa. If this keeps up, he's gonna try and discredit everyone. It's insane. I'm almost expecting him to call the guy who serves you smoothies to be the 'spawn of the dark lord' or something from him."

Ben thought over what Eddie had said, and nodded."That sounds about right." Then, he raised his left arm, the Omnitrix ready to go. "But if you don't mind, I'm gonna up your security..." He then slammed down on the elevated dial. A flash of green and Ben was now…"Or more like UPGRADE it!"

In his new state of being, the electronic voice spoke to Eddie. "Just give me a few." He said.

Eddie gestured at the door with a confident smile. "Go on ahead." Receiving a nod from Upgrade, he watched as the techno-organic being slithered off to do his tasks. Eddie then walked back to his desk.

Not wanting to be sidelined, Jimmy too got to work. As he sat on Eddie's desk, he took out his laptop and began to type quickly. He said to the young boss almost absently, "I'm just gonna borrow your signal for a bit…"

The young billionaire smirked."Heh, like you can get in," he said in an amused tone. "I mean, It's one of the top web security in the world and-" As he rounded to desk to spy on Jimmy's progress, he had to do a double take. He was shocked as he muttered out, "And you just got in."

Now his turn to smirk, Jimmy told the older boy proudly, "I am able to get into NASA-level security, Eddie. I'm one of the best intels for Ben out there."

"Right," Eddie said dumbfounded.

As Jimmy was given his reign over Eddie's network, he streamed through data until something caught his attention. "Okay, that's odd…"

Concerned, Eddie asked, "What?"

"Why are there three signals coming from this room?" Jimmy said suspicious. He then pressed a few buttons and suddenly both could hear a buzzing sound. The source Jimmy found quick enough as it was right under Eddie's desk. As he felt around, he soon pulled out a chip and gasped.

Likewise, Eddie recognized what the chip was as well. "What…" The billionaire took the chip to view it more closely. "I'm bugged?."

"Oh boy…" Jimmy muttered nervously.

"And this isn't just some normal device you can buy at the store. This is like the one's the police are issued."

"Or specially designed." Jimmy added nervously. He then added, "I think He's watching you…" Immediately, Jimmy got to work in tracking the signal.

Feeling tiresome, Eddie unceremoniously fell into his chair. "Good lord…" He said, rubbing his temples to soothe his incoming headache.

Jimmy sympathized with his friend, but attempted to keep the positivity up. "Wonder how Julie and Rook are doing…" He asked as he typed away with purpose.

(Downtown Apartment Complex. 11:01)

Rook's Proto-Truk arrived in the area as Rook looked in confusion. "Why are we here, Julie?"

As Julie got out, she gave out small groan before slamming the door after Ship slipped out."I remember hearing someone in 6th period saying that Nocturn moved here to Bellwood. I don't know why but she's our best lead to Nesmith." Julie said, sounding unhappy and definitely annoyed. Likewise, Ship felt the same indicating through low growling.

"Ah yes, I remember. You do not like Miss Nocturn. Due to the incident where she used Ben to get more famous by making public displays of..." Rook said before stopping abruptly. Seeing how Julie was giving a vicious glare, he best thought he should be quiet.

"Yes," Julie said calmly but nettled, "all of that. And then she got a crush on the psychopath that nearly got us both killed. Not to mention she flirted with Kevin in front of Gwen. I think I'm justified in not liking her."

Rook nodded silently; finding no real reason to like 'Mrs. Nocturn' either. As they both walked up to the house, they both spotted a dark red car parked alongside the sidewalk. He then heard Julie make a comment, "Ah crud…"

Curious, Rook asked, "You know that vehicle?" Before Julie could answer, the door opened. To Rook's surprise, one Will Harangue walked out of the apartment, nodding to a man before he went off. Harangue was wearing his usual suit and tie combo, but for some reason he was wearing gloves. "Oh...Harangue…"

"Ah, Miss Yamamoto and…" Harangue scowled towards Rook and Ship, "associates…why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same question, Mr. Libel." Julie said with a frown, stepping forward a bit.

"By the way," she continued, "alien plague? Really? Ship is a Mechamorph, a species that absorbs technology. And he's well trained. Right boy?" Ship gave a growl in response but did not act further. Julie caught this and found it slightly strange for her pet.

"Right." Harangue said, still sounding unconvinced. "Well, I don't know what you freaks are here for, but I hope you -" He was suddenly interrupted by his own phone ringing. He quickly answered, "Yes?"

A bit suspicious, Rook slightly pressed a button on his plumber badge. While Harangue was distracted, he gave Julie a small nod to signal her to 'go ahead'. While he stayed outside to keep an eye on Harangue, Julie went up to the apartment with Ship. Once inside, she went immediately to the front desk to speak with the lady stationed there.

"Hi, I'm looking for Jennifer Nocturne." She asked politely. Then, she added, "And before you ask…" From her pocket, Julie pulled out not only a Plumber badge but also a warrant. "I got this from the sheriff. Also, this is Plumber business."

Nervous now, the lady complied. "R-Right away, ma'am." Quickly, the woman typed into her computer. In no time, the information appeared on her screen, "Um… Apartment B-5. Second Floor, third down to the right."

Julie nodded, "Thank you." As she took her items back, Ship slithered up her body and onto her back before becoming her backpack. Julie then hurried to the stairs.

After a couple of minutes of going up stairs, she found the room and knocked. A voice replied, "Coming…" Julie recognized the voice immediately, and began grinding her teeth a bit. Soon, the door opened, on the other side was the familiar young woman clad in a bathrobe - only a few years older than herself - with mid-length black hair, dark blue eyes and tanned skin. Immediately, the woman frowned, "'s you...uh...July, right?"

Despite being annoyed, Julie gave a pleasant but forceful smile. "Julie, actually. You'd remember me as the woman whose boyfriend you kissed in front of a bunch of reporters and then later tried to kill when helping a psychopath escape from the law."

Jennifer gave a scowl at this before crossing her arms."Says the girl who joined a demon squid cult." That retort got her an immediate glare from Julie as well as a faint growl out of annoyance.

"Anyway, what do you want?" Jennifer said, still showing indifference to Julie.

"I'm here looking for any info on Charles Nesmith, you're psycho ex." Julie said frowning, immediately noticing how Jennifer became a little nervous. "Look, if he broke out again, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility you know something. Even if there was some sort of secret message thing you two have. And before you say you don't, he's a super genius, he's likely able to think of something."

Jennifer sighs as she says, "Look...I haven't had contact with Carl in months since...the incident...but if you need something…" She moved over to her desk nearby and fiddled with something before taking out a computer chip like device. "Here. This is from one of Carl's gauntlets. I kinda kept it." Julie gave her a raised eyebrow as Jennifer scoffed. "Don't judge, Yamiyato."

"Yamamoto." Julie corrected pleasantly before nodding to Ship. The puppy-like blob slinked up and took the chip from it, analyzing it before nodding to Julie that its processing was complete. Julie then moved to leave, but paused for a moment. Frowning just a bit, he turned back to you woman.

"Try and take care of yourself, Nocturne." She told lady sincerely, much to her surprise. "Just because I don't like you...doesn't mean I want you to be miserable." Julie said then took her leave. From the corner of her eye, before the door closed, she could see her words hit Jennifer deeply. As the reached the stairs, Ship beeped out nervously to Julie.

"What's wrong, Ship?" Julie asked concerned.

Immediately, Ship slinked down to her badge and morphed into it. Now, Julie's badge looked like a GPS, and it was showing her a location; one she was familiar with. "Oh no…" She said aghast, immediately taking off into a run.

As she ran out the back entrance, Julie gave out a command, "Ship, Flight mode!" Ship complied and quickly formed into the girl's flight armor. Julie swiftly took flight. She then activated her badge now placed on her suit and spoke quickly, "Rook, head to GrandSmith Tower. Make sure to bring reinforcements with you. I'm gonna get to Eddie and the others before Nesmith hurts them."

"Roger that, Julie." Rook responded back. The call then closed.

Still worried, Julie made another call. "Ben, he's coming to you. Rook is on route, and I am coming to you."

(GrandSmith Tower: 11:38)

As Upgrade, Ben got the message. Immediately, he began cautiously looking around. Preparing himself for anything. Or so he thought before a blast struck him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He groaned as he looked up and saw a sentry styled after one of Nemesis's suits coming up to him, one of its appendages in the form of a laser cannon.

"Well, that won't do at all." Skurd said with an annoyed tone.

Upgrade nods in agreement with the Slimbiote, then he got back up. His robotic eye began glowing for a moment and then fired an optic blast. The blast struck the sentry and sent it flying back into a wall. As it slid down to the floor, Upgrade slinked over to the machine and began melding into it; taking over the robotic body.

A voice then spoke with disdain, "So, you're protecting the peons that stole from me?"

Upgrade turned to see Nesmith behind him. The man he once admired now clad in a more advanced version of his suit with his newly formed face exposed; his thick lips, rough brow and all around more intense look contrasting the more suave look he once had. His armor was dark orange in color with black padding with green lining the glowed to a probable power source.

Reacting angrily, Upgrade transformed the machine into a cannon at the ready. "I think you got a good few seconds before I decide to blast your scrap armor to pieces." Ben threatened. The technomorph watch as Nemesis flew over at him, attempting to punch him. Thankfully, Skurd had him covered as he materialized a flaming fist to immediately counter their opponent.

"I got your back, Partner." Skurd proclaimed triumphantly.

As he recovered, Nemesis admitted openly,"Ugh...good hit…" Then, he grabbed the neck of the sentry to retort, "now try me." He then tossed Upgrade and Skurd into a wall. Quickly, his arm transformed into a strange-looking, fairly large cannon and fired upon the duo.

Ben yelped in shock before slinking off the robot, allowing it to take the hit. "Okay...gotta be smart." He commented before slamming down on the Omnitrix insignia on his chest.

He began to transform. Form a morphing, techno blob into now large bird. He now taking on the appearance of a humanoid eagle with a faint hooked beak with a tripedal bumps on the tip and the nostrils in between blue-green eyes. He now had taloned hands and feet similar to that of velociraptor claws and feet. He also had three long tail feathers and dark brown color on his feathers and blue highlights on his head, wings, and tailfeathers. He was wearing a pair of black shorts with white 'pockets' on the side and a black tunic-like hoodie that allows for his wings to come out of his back.

"...Okay, this one is new." He admitted, looking himself over. "How many bird people are there in the universe? What am I?"

"You're a Miseripteron, one of the aliens Young One unlocked back on Revonnah. I did some research on these things, they are a race of aerial beings that are rather exotic in appearance, especially males." Skurd noticed a faintly nervous look on Ben's face as he says, "No not like Peacocks. More like other exotic birds that have flashy colors."

"Oh good...but uh…" He then dodged a blast from Nemesis before flapping his wings forward, sending out a barrage of feathers at him. Ben looked at this and smirked a bit. "Awesome! Okay, got a name for this guy; Daggerdown." He smirked before taking a couple of the feathers from his wings, which began growing into a pair of blades. As an added bonus, Skurd slinked up to them as well as and upgraded them into a more metallic form; likely through Razor's DNA. Feeling dangerous, Ben then charged forward towards Nemesis beginning slashing at him.

Nemesis grunts as he blocked against the blows before kicking out of a window. To his surprise though, Daggerdown was able to keep afloat with his wings open. Irritated, Nemesis flew out - his armor allowing him to fly some - after him, but a barrage of lasers stopped him.

"Ah!" Nemesis shouted. He glared down at the source of his new irritation only to see the familiar face of Julie flying at him, glaring right back at him. "What are you doing, girl?"

"Stopping you." Julie declared in determination. She then spoke again, "Ship? Remember that chip we got? I think we can use that…" Pulling out the small device as she mutters, Ship immediately absorb it. Before long, Ship's current armor form began to shift and change.

"What in the…?" Skurd asked in confusion before seeing her gain a new armor.

It looked like a green and black jumpsuit styled after a microchip. On her hands were green finger tipped gloves with a glowing palm. A black visor with a green lense covered part of her beautiful face, and finally there appeared to be a mini-smartphone on her belt.

"Say hello to my new armor; Hacker!" Julie declared as her visor began glowing. Suddenly Nemesis' armor began to hold up, making him glare a bit. Seeing her new abilities functioning well, she announced proudly, "And with it, I can take control of any wireless interface."

"What?!" shouted Nemesis, shocked.

Julie then turned to her boyfriend. "Ben?" She said elegantly, gesturing for him to make a move.

"Got it." said Daggerdown eagerly before flying at Nesmith. Yet, before connection his blades, the man somehow dodged the attack, shocking Julie

"He turned off his wireless. I can't connect to his armor!" Julie said in a slight panic as he aimed a cannon towards her, making her eyes widen. Daggerdown, quickly in route , went to fly down…

Before something blasted the blast to counter it, shocking Nesmith. "Who in the-?!" He turned and saw...Carl with a familiar bazooka at the ready, smirking a bit. "Who the heck are you!?"

"Sorry, I was just in the neighborhood when Rook called me. So I drove here as fast as I could. Now…" His tone got serious as he aimed it again. "Get away from my boy, you psychopath."

"..." Daggerdown was genuinely impressed with how brave his usually pasifistic father was, blinking in shock. "Wow...You go dad." he said with a slight chuckle in his tone. But Nesmith didn't share in it, growling in annoyance. Unknown to them, Harangue's car was arriving at this time.

Watching from the top floor window, Jimmy was watching the insanity from there as he says, "Oh no...this isn't good...we need to help somehow." He looked at Eddie, who was looking over some schematics of the building.

"I'm trying to find...Aha! Found it!" Eddie eagerly went to type in some commands. "Gotta thank Grandpa for keeping the security measures. Lets give Nemesis a taste of his own medicine." He then typed the command and pressed 'entr' on the computer.

Nemesis looked up and saw a set of 5 turrets come out and fired down at him, with the former super hero barely able to react. He then flew up and around, glaring at this time. "What?! My own security?! Really?!" Julie was in shock before a beep came into her ear.

"Julie, I sent the wireless signal to the turrents to your signal. Try and keep him busy." Eddie told her via communicator, making her smirk a bit as she concentrated. The turrents fired down more as Carl nods to Ben.

"I'll back you kids up til Rook comes in. Just keep it up!" Carl said as Harangue came in with his camera, going to the man and nods.

"This is Harangue nation, at the scene of pure and utter insanity in front of a den of evil. GrandSmith Towers-formerly Nemesis Tower, headquarters of fallen from grace hero Carl Nesmith-has become the battle ground for it's depraved new 'mascot', Ben Tennyson and what appears to be his middle aged father with what appears to be a sort of bazooka. No wonder he became a deliquent, with poor father ifgures like that."

That got Carl's attention, making him glare in his direction, "Where do you get off at-GAAH!" the distraction led NEsmith to fire a blast at Carl's blaster, making it explode and send him back.

"DAAAAD!" Daggerdown called in horror, his eyes widen in shock as Julie went over quickly, checking on his arm as Rook's truck came in, looking in horror.

"Brallah dah…" Rook muttered in horror as he went to get his first aid kit as Nesmith just laughed a bit, making Daggerdown's eyes narrow with pure and utter rage. He then slammed down on his Omnitrix symbol as he glowed in size, making Nemesis look in shock as a towering behemoth came before him.

"NEMESIS!" Way Big roared, hate filling his gaze before grabbing him with a vice grip, making him cry out in pain as the juggernaut of an alien grabbed him. "You're gonna pay for that…"

"Oh, with what? Another little lecture from y-AAAH!" His armor began to spark up and crack under the pressure of Way Big's grip, glaring at him with a strange sort of cosmic energy began to radiate off of him.

"I am not messing around, Nesmith. You bring back those psycho-bots from Dimension 12 to one up me-which ended with Billy Billion's parents DYING-then you set up some stupid contest to try to hype yourself up...I could get were filled with pride...but then you went to far just because I got popular?" Way Big asked, his tone dark as his grip loosened slightly.

Unknown to him, Jimmy was recording this whole thing from the top window, but he and Eddie were nervous, as were the growing crowd infront of Nemesis tower as Harangue's cameraman was focused on him.

"He-hey, get that back on me!" Will said as he moved it back down. "I-It appears that Ben Tennyson is trying to kill Nemesis and-"

"SHUT UP, HARANGUE! I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" The giant roared in annoyance, his tone thundering around them as the glass in the buildings cracked slightly. Will step back a bit nervously as Way Big glared at Nemesis. "But to top that kidnapped Julie, made Jennifer somehow fall in love with you...and you just started to kill innocent people. People were just trying to live their lives. And for what? Just because you couldn't be the hero? I did look up to you...once. You and Kangaroo Komando...I idolized both the real hero and the fictional ones...but I guess in your case, you were NEVER a hero. A hero doesn't do what you do...not for the reasons you do it for…"

"Come on Ben...make the right choice…" Julie said with a worried tone, Ship whimpering slightly as he returned to his blob form as Carl was put on a paramedic stop, as Sandra arrived at this time with Max and Verdona, who ran quickly to Carl.

Way Big saw his father and grandfather by Rook, who was treating his arm Way Big calmed down slightly at this, his face loosening a bit as he just gave Nesmith a look of pure disappointment. "I guess I had a REAL hero to teach me how to be the kind of hero I want to be...and you attacked him because he was trying to help me stop you. Tsk...figures…" He then lowered his hand down and dropped Nemesis unceremoniously, as he shrank back down as Strikehog.

"Wha-what are you-" Before Nemesis could beg like a coward, Strikehog just took a quill out and poked him in the neck with it, making him gasp out and fall to sleep. A green glow came out as he returned to Ben, getting a pair of cuffs for him and slapped them on.

"Rook, when he wakes him his rights. He's too dangerous to leave in a Earth jail." Ben said, as Rook nods in agreement. The young hero then walked over to Harangue, still in his human form. "Hey Will, I got some choice words for you."

"Uh...Cu-cut it off." Will whispered to his cameram an, who tried to turn it off...but saw it wouldn't go off. He then saw Julie was back in her hacker armor, giving a glare that said 'don't even try it', resulting in a nervous gulp.

"No, I want the audience to hear it from me live. I am honestly sick and tired of you and this stupid, inane...WHATEVER this is!" Ben said, raising his arms up in annoyance. "You start a smear campaign against me-despite the fact I spent the last three years making sure this planet doesn't blow up-Since I was TEN by the way, I've been doing this-and making sure no one got hurt."

"Now look here-" Will was given a 'one moment' hand sign from Ben, who was glaring at him.

"And then you send killer robots after me, and then you sided with THAT nutcase over there! This guy you hail as a 'hero' is a no good, arrogant, dangerous person! He put my girlfriend and Jennifer nocturne in danger just to get at me, killed a lot of innocent civilians, and just now tried to attack my friend after his grandpa took over his company!" As Ben continued to yell at him, HArangue's hand clenched a bit as it began to bubble slightly.

"Listen here, you little-"

"I am not done! You are spreading nothing about lies about me for this many years, but now you are including my friends and family into this crud!? You're making my girlfriend's pet into some sort of alien plague-By the way, Mechamorphs only ENHANCE machines, they don't brainwash people-, Rook's people are from a FARMING PLANET. They're not gonna invade! I know more about all these aliens then you would any day of the week. So how about from now on, you do some REAL journalism and not this gossip trash you spew out on your TV show. Or just have it be canceled, I can care less! Now if you need me, I need to make sure my dad's okay. And next time I see you talk smack about me or my friends...or do any sort of crazy stunt with some sort of forced area where you doctor footage…"

He then turned into Heatblast, glaring daggers at him as he says, "I'm NOT gonna be as nice as I am now. I'll personally drag you to the null void if you pull any stunt like that in the future. Am I clear?!" Heat blast yelled in anger, his body radiating heat as Harangue backed up, his hand

"Y-Yes, yes. Understood, Tennyson...but you will be hearing from my lawyers." Harnage said as he went off. "For an affront to freedom of speech!"

"Buzz off!" Heatblast said in annoyance as he stomped off, turning back into Ben as Ship slinked back off of Julie.

"...Well, that's gonna make for some interesting television…" Julie muttered before putting a hand on his shoulder "You okay?"

"...Yeah...I just...needed to vent after all this…" Ben said weakly, chuckling a bit as he rubbed the back of his head. "Come on, lets go with dad to the hospital…" Julie nods, wrapping her arm in his to help him as Ship slinked on his shoulder.

"...Wow...that was...intense." SKurd finally said, having gone silent after the Way Big fiasco. "That was something else, I'll admit…" Ben nods, agreeing as he sighed a bit.

"I just need an easy weekend, you know? After all that's happened?" Bne said as Julie nods in agreement.

"YEah...but come on, what's gonna happen next? This month can't get ANY crazier, right?" Julie asked...before realizing what she said, groaning a bit at this. "I had to I'm gonna go paranoid with the possibilities…"

"Your fault, not mine." Ben joked, making Julie stick his tongue out at him as the two just laughed a bit, though it was rather weak since it was mostly to help clear the air slightly as they went to the ambulance with Sandra, Verdona and Max. Rook stayed behind with Plumbers that were arriving to gather evidence.

Unknown to them, Harangue got into the back of his truck and panted a bit, groaning a bit. A bottle of pills were thrown towards him, making a faint bounce on the metal ground as he took it quickly and grabbed a small pill and swallowed it. "They are not lasting as long as they used to...this is a concern." A voice said in the darkness of the van as Harangue just plopped on the side.

"Ugh…" Harangue groaned as he looks to the man in the shadows, wearing a pair of gloves. "Thanks Henry…" He panted a bit, his green skin starting to become more human. "Ugh...that darn brat...he doesn't understand the REAL reason I am doing this...for you...when I found you trapped in that device by him…"

"Indeed...I thank you for saving me…" A man who looked exactly like Harangue came out of the shadows, wearing a white lab coat but without glasses . "I made sure to get the right things from that scientist in that apartment...ran into that girl, Julie."

"Sympathizers, the lot of them…" Harangue muttered as Henry got something as he removed his gloves, revealing a metallic right hand before putting on a pair of armored gloves. He then picked something up from a bag. "They don't understand how much of monsters they are, like we do."

"Which is why we each have an important mission. You speak the truth…" He then put on a mask before looking at Harangue with a familiar golden mask. "And I will help represent it."

"I gotcha...Enoch." Harangue said, chuckling a bit as he shook his hand. "Good to see you again, by the way." Enoch just chuckled behind his mask at this.

"What are brothers for?" Enoch asked, faintly amused as the van rested there, the people of Bellwood none the wiser to this information.

End of Episode 13

DUN DUN DUN! TWIST OF TWISTS! XP I decided to play around with an old fan theory I heard about Will Harangue and got it on. I hope this was a good episode for you guys and hope it was worth the wait. Thanks for the patience. And now...for the New aliens:

Name: Daggerdown (Made by Kevfilms2x2)

Race: Miseripteron (pronounced My-zer-ip-tear-on)

Planet: Striatochor

Powers/Abilities: Flight, Strong Talons, Telescopic Vision, Expert Marksmanship, Feathers turn dagger-like when removed, Feather Regeneration.

Weaknesses: Hollow bones prevent heavy lifting, Can't fly when wet or too many feathers have been lost.

Additional Info: Miseripteron's live on high canopies. There they make their homes made of the bones of rodents they feast on. As young hatchlings, parents must be very weary for their feathers easily fall off and could potentially harm the chick. As they age, they become more exotic and beautiful. The males are more exotic as they become flashy and perform a hyperactive dance to impress the females with their bright colors. As males grow older, they become more beautiful and colorful. When predators endanger their family, the male distracts the predator with his bright colors and aggressive strikes.

Anyway, after this is all adaptations from here for the episodes involving Looma and Malware ahead. I hope you are all okay with that. Please Read, Review and Suggest away! Also I would like to thank :iconbrave-king-shishio:, :iconchann1:, :iconkevfilms2x2:, :icondarinas:, :iconthedndking:, :iconhotspot-the-626th: and :iconcatbunny404: for their help.

Okay, I hope you guys didn't mind the wait. I hope this was worth it. I thank everyone who helped me with fixing this up. And here's the synopsis:

Synopsis: Will Haraunge has continued to work with getting Ben a bad name, and goes on to spread the distain towards his friends as well, adding them to those he denounces. This doesn't sit well with Rook, who feels insulted by the man's accusations. Of course, it doesn't help that Captain Nemesis has made his return. Can Ben stop the mad former hero, or will things go bad for him?

Man of Action owns Ben 10
DaggerDown is owned by :iconkevfilms2x2:
© 2017 - 2024 Shadow-DJ
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What does Mattear look like?