
Digimon All-Stars episode 7

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Now its time Lopmon's chapter. Hope you enjoy it

Episode 7: Ninja Battle

(At Nyra and Keitchii's apartment)

Nyra was on her computer, looking through her garbage can. "Man, it's full. Hey Keramon, want some breakfast?"

"Sure." Said Keramon, opening him mouth. Suddenly the data from the garbage can flew out in the form of data streams, going right into his mouth.

"Good thing I have finally found a good use for all these useless data." Said Nyra. "Though the program thing I found on here is still on the screen. I can't delete it for some…reason…" she slowly turned to Keramon, rubbing her chin a bit.

"What?" asked Keramon, curious?

"Nothing." Said Nyra, as she saw Keitchii walking around with Lopmon on his shoulder. "where are you going, pipsqueak?"

"I'm heading to the mall with Ken." Said Keitchii. "We're sort of hoping we can be meet…uh…some nice people."

"You're going there to try to flirt with girls?" asked Nyra, teasing him. That made him blush and Lopmon giggle. "And you're bringing Lopmon because she's like a magnet for girls who like cute things, right?"

"Uh…got to go!" said Keitchii, leaving quickly.

"Is he THAT hopeless?" asked Keramon, curious.

"He's got the shyest guy and Digimon for back up. What do you think?" asked Nyra.

(Meanwhile…at the mall…)

Kendal and Kotemon were waiting for Keitchii and Lopmon, as Kotemon saw Kendal tap the table, nervous. "You seem tense." Said Kotemon.

"I…rarely talk to girls." Said Kendal, blushing a bit. "I'm the shy guy, remember?"

Kotemon then saw Keitchii and Lopmon come over, as he says "Seems that the wingman is here."

"Aren't we the wing people?" asked Lopmon, coming down. "You know…I'm the ring girl for Keitchii and you're the wing lizard for Ken."

"Oh yeah." Said Kotemon, thinking a bit. He then saw two girls at a table, laughing as they talked. "Two girls, twelve o'clock." He motions to them, as Kendal and Keitchii saw them.

"Wait…isn't that Jessie?" asked Kendal, blushing a bit, as Keitchii nods, a bit mesmerized.

"Ohh…" Lopmon said in a teasing tone, as she asks "You like her, don't you?"

"Uh…well…um…" said Keitchii, his cheeks turning dark red. "Me and Jess knew each other when we were younger, but…I haven't seen her in awhile."

"And you can't believe she looks like that now?" asked Lopmon with a teasing tone, giggling a bit.

"I like you better when you're in shy mode." Keitchii said plainly. "Anyway, me and her are friends."

"Then why are you blushing?" teased Lopmon, giggling still.

"Because you're teasing me." Said Keitchii, as he noticed Kendal was staring at Jesse. He then smirked a bit and whispered an idea into Lopmon's ear, as she began to think a bit.

"Sounds good." Said Lopmon with a smile, but then felt a strange feeling as they looked to see someone sitting in a table ahead of them. It was a teen with black-and-red hair, a black and red shirt, black pants, black and white tennis shoes, and dark brown eyes.

"Oh boy…dark kid, twelve o'clock." Said Kendal, seeing him.

"Oh great…Thomas." Sighed Keitchii.

"You know him?" asked Kotemon, confused.

"Thomas Cox, the dark kid of the school. He used to bully me when I was a kid." Said Keitchii. "Heck, we don't like each other much."

"Why?" asked Lopmon, curious.

"I think it has something to do with how they are?" asked Kendal, curious.

"Who knows." Said Kotemon with a sigh, not knowing that someone was watching.

(meanwhile…down town)

Near a café, a familiar dog-like Digimon was looking through the trash. It was the Doberman Digimon, who was sniffing around. He groaned as he fell forward out of hunger. He didn't know it, but something was watching him.

"Hmm?" asked a voice as a figure went over. It was Jenny, who looked over the dog with worry. "You all right, puppy?" she asked, petting the Doberman.

"I am…not…a puppy. I am Dobermon." Said Dobermon, growling a bit.

"Knock it off, mutt." Said Mushroomon, coming out from her backpack, as he heard a laugh. "Oh joy…Dracmon."

The creature snickered a bit, as it says, "What's wrong, surprised to see me Sap-breath? Speaking of which, aren't you shorter then usual?" Dracmon then came down, snickering still.

"Don't start." Said Mushroomon, getting up and glaring.

Jenny then says, "Stop it! Come on, let's just find a place for these two so we can get home, alright Mushroomon."

"Fine." Sighed Mushroomon, as he heard something. Then he saw three figures were running along the railing on a wall. "Who's that?" asked Mushroomon, curious.

"No idea…" said Jenny, confused as well. "But it looks like it's heading for the mall."

(At the mall)

Everyone then saw the lights were acting weirdly. "Hmm?" asked Kendal, confused.

Lopmon's ears picked up a bit as she says "I hear something hit the wires."

(On the roof…)

A figure was slashing at some wires at what looked like a sword. Overlooking them was a figure in the darkness, glowing eyes noticeable.

(Back inside)

The lights then went out, as three figures fell down, all glaring. The sun's light revealed what they looked like.

Two of them looked like round head-like things with arms and legs with a large shuriken on their backs, a spiked shoulder pad and chain mail sleeves, but one wore a red mask, gloves and boots while the other wore purple versions of them.

The last one was a humanoid Digimon with a black cloak-like outfit with a headband with a strange leaf-like symbol on it, long red vines for arms and legs, each hand and foot having a three-bladed shuriken, and orange leafs on it's shoulders, along with glowing yellow eyes.

"It's BlackShurimon and the Ninja Brothers!" said Lopmon, now scared.

"BlackShurimon?" asked Keitchii, confused.

"He's a Shurimon who was corrupted by the Dark Prince." Said Kotemon, patting his sword. "And those two with him are Ninjamon and Kougamon, the Ninja brothers."

"Yeah." Said Ninjamon, smirking a bit. He got out his sword and says "So…you guys are the ones annoying Lord Temujimon?"

"Temujimon?" asked Keitchii, confused.

"He's one of the Dark Prince's generals." Said Kotemon, glaring at the three. "He's the most dangerous next to his secret weapon. I'm not sure who it is, but all I know is that he is supposed to be the greatest Swordsman in the Digital world."

"Sounds dangerous." Said Keitchii, as BlackShurimon glared.

"But not as dangerous as me. Ninja Brothers, attack!"

"Got it!" said Ninjamon, as he says "NINJA KNIFE THROW!" He throws his giant shuriken at them, making them yell out in surprise as they dodge.

"Makibishi!" said Kougamon, throwing what looked like a spiked ball at them, as they kept dodging.

Lopmon glared as she says "Tiny Twister!" She then spun herself around, knocking all the spiked balls away from them.

"Wait…that style," said BlackShurimon, recognizing how she was able to block the metal objects, despite the spikes. "You're Prairiemon's sister, aren't you?"

"How do you know about my brother?" asked Lopmon, surprised.

"I was once his rival when we were young." Said BlackShurimon. "Only he could do that move, and he didn't even Digivolve into a martial arts-like Digimon."

"True…wait…how do you know about Prairiemon?  And what do you mean by…Rival…Falcomon?" asked Lopmon, surprised.

"Indeed. I found a strange artifact, which caused me to Digivolve into this form." Said BlackShurimon, glaring. "And now…lets see how well you fight.  Ninja Wind!" Suddenly he fell apart into a giant wind of orange leaves and flew at the four, going right for them.

"Thunder Kote!" said Kotemon, his fists glowing with electricity and got ready to punch.

Suddenly the wind through, knocking Kotemon away, as Kendal got up. "Kotemon!" he said, running to his friend. "Are you hurt?"

"Only my pride." Groaned Kotemon.

Thomas saw this and dodged the leaves, as everyone else ran out. Thomas then saw something…surprising; it was a giant, green worm-like creature with small purple stumps for feet, a purple mouth, long antenna and dark blue eyes, along with some purple marks on his body.

Kougamon saw him and smirked. "Hey bro, look who it is! It's pipsqueak Wormmon."

"Come on guys…" said Wormmon, nervous. Thomas went over and looked down at them.

"Hey guys, why are you messing with him?" asked Thomas.

"None of ya bee's wax, human." Said Ninjamon, earning a kick from Thomas, surprising Kougamon and picking up Wormmon.

"Hey! Get back here!" said Kougamon, as he and Ninjamon followed Thomas outside.

"Think he'll be alright?" asked Lopmon.

"No idea." Said Keitchii, as he glared at BlackShurimon, as the giant barrage of leaves turn back into BlackShurimon.

"You are stronger then you look…but not as strong as you're brother." Said BlackShurimon. "I do remember you, child. The little girl who wanted to be like her big brother. The one who thought being like him would make you the strongest. But you were to shy."

Keitchii then says "Hey buddy, don't talk to my friend like that!"

"Tough talk from the little boy." Said BlackShurimon with a chuckle. "You are just as shy as she is, but you use a big mouth to hide that."

"Don't talk to my friend like that!" said Lopmon, angry now as she says "Blazing Ice!"

She then blasted BlackShurimon with a blast of icy breath, making the ninja's arm freeze up.

He broke the ice on his arm, glaring. "Why you…Double Star!" It's arms grew out at this, ready to slice at Lopmon.

Lopmon dodged at this, glaring. Keitchii looked worried at this, as Kotemon groaned, getting up.


Thomas was now in an alley, the Ninja brothers were following him. Wormmon looked confused at Thomas, not knowing that a familiar golden-furred ape was watching them.

"Shadow Clone!" said Ninjamon, making an army of Ninjamon appearing.

"What is this? Naruto?" asked Thomas, annoyed. "Come on, this way." He ran down the sidewalk, getting away from the army of Ninjamon behind him, as Kougamon appeared.

"Koga-style Shadow clones!" said Kougamon, making an army of Kougamon to appear, as Thomas ran down a hall to get away.

All the ninjas smirked evilly, glaring as they got out their swords and spiked spheres. "You're toast, kid." Said all of them, smirking a bit.

"You know…ganging up on someone is unfair." Said Thomas, glaring. As he says "I maybe a jerk at times, but it doesn't mean I can watch you clowns beat up this little guy." Suddenly a lime-green light went around him and Wormmon, confusing the two. "Huh?" asked Thomas, as he saw a lime-green hexagon-shaped watch come out of his pocket. Thomas took it an asks, "What am I supposed to do with this."

"Come with me." Said a voice as Apemon came down, glaring at the ninjas. "Furious!" Suddenly his fur glowed brightly at that attack as Ake watched from afar. Then he ran at the Ninjas and began to beat them up with his bone staff.

"Nice." Said Thomas, as he began to think. "Wonder what's happening inside." Wormmon just shrugged at this.

(Meanwhile…back inside the mall)

Inside, the whole place was sliced, and Lopmon and Kotemon were groaning from pain as they were hid behind a vending machine with Kendal and Keitchii. "Man, that nutball ninja is tough."

"Big time." Said Keitchii. "How are we gonna beat him without letting our partners get killed?"

"I…can…take him." Groaned Lopmon, but her eyes were barely open.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not gonna let my friend get killed over this." Said Keitchii, as he saw BlackShurimon go over to Jessie, who was hiding behind something. He then got up and glared. "Hey Freak!"

"Hmm?" asked BlackShurimon, as Kendal rolled his eyes.

"Hypocrite…" said Kendal, as Kotemon.

"What do you want, kid?" asked BlackShurimon.

"I'm really tired that you're hurting my friends! And now you're attacking one of my childhood friends? What is wrong with you?" asked Keitchii, as BlackShurimon looked confused at that.

"What do you mean?" asked BlackShurimon, clearly confused.

"Why are you working for this Dark Prince guy? Isn't he making everything worse for Digimon?" asked Keitchii, as BlackShurimon glared.

"Hey! Watch it, kid! How would you know anything?" asked BlackShurimon, pointing one arm at him.

"I know I don't know how you Digimon work, but I don't care. I know I may not be the most open of my friends. Heck, my SISTER can speak her mind better then me, and so can the others. But I normally keep things bottled up." Said Keitchii, sounding annoyed still.

"Really?" asked Lopmon, surprised. "To be honest…I do that to. I'm actually jealous of my brother and his skills."

"This is getting interesting." Said Kotemon, as Kendal nods.

"Alright." Said Keitchii, going to his partner. "I think it's safe to say we don't need to do that anymore, right?"

"Yep." Said Lopmon with a smile, as they both glowed yellow. "Hmm?" asked Lopmon, looking at her paws with confusion.

"What in the?" asked BlackShurimon, confused.

Keitchii looked at his watch and it says 'Connection Established. Enabling Digivolution'. A line then flew from Keitchii and went to Lopmon, making her glow brightly.

"LOPMON DIGIVOLVE TO…TURUIEMON!" said Lopmon, being replaced by a strange figure.

It looked a lot like Lopmon, only taller (About Keitchii's height), purple fur, a yellow martial arts gi over a black shirt, a blue bandana around her neck, black shoes, and red gloves with strange-looking blades on each glove.

"What the?" asked Kotemon, surprised. Turuiemon glared, ready to go.

"Hmm…interesting." Said BlackShurimon, glaring as he got into a stance. "But I can still beat a novice like you."

"I maybe a beginner still, but that doesn't mean I can't kick you're leaf-covered butt." Said Turuiemon.

An anger mark appeared on BlackShurimon appeared on his head as he says "Why you…Double Star!" He then threw his giant shuriken at this, as Turuiemon got into a stance.

"Ninja Fist!" said Turuiemon, jumping out of the way and then jumping off of a vending machine and then punching BlackShurimon with a hard punch to the face.

"Ugh!" said BlackShurimon, getting sent right into a table, making it fall apart. Some food that was left there landed on his head. He got up and wiped it off. "Pretty good for a starter."

"Yeah." Said Turuiemon, glaring. "Now eat this! Gauntlet Claw!" she then jumped, the blades on her gloves now going forward and read to stab.

"Leaf Hurricane." Said BlackShurimon, as he vanished. Turuiemon's blade hit the ground, confusing her.

"Where did he go?" asked Turuiemon, confused.

"No idea." Said Keitchii, just as confused. "Though what happened to those other guys?"

(Meanwhile…in that alley)

All the clones were gone, as both Ninjamon and Kougamon were glaring at Apemon, who glared back. "You can't beat the Ninja brothers." Said the two, getting their swords ready.

"Oh yeah?" asked a voice as it says "Woody Smash!" Suddenly a familiar giant wooden arm crushed Kougamon, turning him into data.

"What the?" asked Ninjamon, surprised. He then saw Woodmon smirking a bit, with Dracmon riding on his head.

"Hold still." Said Dracmon with a smirk as he showed off his hand. "Eye of Nightmare." Suddenly the eyes on his hands glowed brightly, making Ninjamon's eyes go dull.

"Uhh…" said Ninjamon, mesmerized. Then Dobermon came out from behind Woodmon, barking.

"Black Beam!" said Dobermon, sending out a roaring sound out of his mouth, sending a giant blast of dark energy out of his mouth, hitting Ninjamon right in the chest, making him evaporate into data.

"Nice." Said Jenny, coming out from behind the giant tree-like Digimon.

"Thanks." Said the other three Digimon, smiling.

Ake smirked and says "Impressive…you have three partners?"

"No. I found Dobermon and Dracmon alone. Woodmon is my partner." Said Jenny. "Though I think Dobermon is stuck in his Champion form."

"Actually…I can turn into it now, but I can't turn back into this form until I get my partner." Said Dobermon. "So I'm gonna stay this way for a bit."

"Fair enough." Said Woodmon, shrugging a bit. "So…what now?"

"You guys come with me. My boss will tell you what you're gonna do…for the Brave Heart Team." Said Ake, smirking a bit as he walked ahead. Thomas and Jenny looked at each other, as the two followed with the other Digimon.

Then a figure appeared in the alley where the event happened; it was BlackShurimon, as he looked at the broken weapons of his partners.

He knelt down and sighs. "I apologize for not helping you, my friends. But don't worry…I will make sure you will be avenged." He then turned into leaves again and flew off to return to the Digital world.

End of Episode 7

Well, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter folks. Wonder what's going to happen next time. So please Read, Review and Suggest away!
Here's Episode 7, folks.

In this episode, Keitchii and Kendal were going to relax at the local mall when it gets attacked by the Dark Prince's own personal group of Ninja warriors, one of which was the rival to Lopmon's brother. Will the strange warriors get rid of the young members of the team or will they be defeated?

Hope you enjoy it
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