
New Golden AGe One Shot: Seeing Red (Spy Smasher)

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OK, here’s the next One-shot. Enjoy, everyone!

Spysmasher in Seeing Red

(Washington DC, Hall of Justice. March 23rd, 13:45)

“Day 2 of examination: we are currently studying the technology in the now rediscovered Tornado Tyrant, a machine used in WWII and created by renown Nazi scientist, T.O. Morrow.” Batman said into a recorder, his cowl presently off as Cyborg was looking over a now opened up Tyrant, who was motionless at this time.

“Man, this technology is years ahead of it’s time for a over 70 year old machine that was frozen solid.” Cyborg said, looking him over. “I’d say that if we found a way to put him up, it’d be a pretty dangerous guy if he woke up.”

“Where did Morrow get this technology?” Superman asked as his eyes shined a bit, looking more into the wires and software inside of it. “Hmm…most of this technology isn’t from this planet.”

“It isn’t.” a voice said as the group turned to see Amanda walking inside as Christian, his helmet off, looked confused.

“Then what is it?” Christian asked as Amanda’s guest walked up, using a cane to keep himself up.

“it’s alien tech the Nazis used to make robots.” The man said, showing he to be an elderly man in a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, as Batman looked shocked.

“Wait, aren’t you the Spy Smasher?” Batman asked, surprised as the man just smiled.

“That I am, son. Colonel Alan Armstrong, the Spy Smasher. I heard that you found ol’ Tornado, eh?” he asked, looking at the robot. “Hmm…” He looks him over and nods. “Eyep, it’s him, alright. The Tornado Champion, as the Nazis called him. We on our side called him the ‘Tornado Tyrant’. It was the first in a series of robots called the ‘Reds’, alien robots with the power to manipulate the environment itself.”

“Take it this guy gave you a lot of grief back in the good ol’ days, huh?” Cyborg asked as Alan nods.

“Eyep…I remember my last outing with bucket head here…” Alan said, chuckling a bit as he thought it over. “Who would have thought that would have been over 70 years ago…back in Markovburg of all places.”

“Mind telling us?” Batman asked as Alan sat down, looking at Tornado.

“let me start on the day I first came across that robot.” Alan said as he looked towards Tornado Tyrant.


(Markovburg, Markovia. Aparo Barr Base. April 14, 1942. 18:54)

Alan: I used my signal reader to catch some orders heading to Kaptain Nazi, or as he’s officially known as Captain Albrecht Krieger, so I beelined to the Aparo Barr Base. That’s where I met up with some of the most diverse team of soldiers to ever live: The Easy Company.

“Alright men! Remember, Easy Company is here because King Markov asked us to help protect his people from the Nazis.” said a man in the front of a group of soldiers. He had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and wore a Sergeant’s uniform including a helmet with the insignia of the rank on the front.

“excuse me, Sgt. Rock…but I think you may have a problem.” Said a voice as the troops turned to see a man by the door, leaning against it with a smirk. The person in question was a young man with blonde hair and dark blue-green eyes, a cocky smirk on his face. He was clad in a brown military uniform with a red diamond on the front, brown gloves and black boots with a red cape draped around his shoulder and what looked like an aviator helmet under his arm and a holster with a odd-looking pistol on the inside.

“well, well…if it ain’t Mr. Fancy pants.” Said a tall, muscular man with a baldhead and a scar covering the left half of his face, a scowl noticeable on his features, clearly unhappy to see the man. A voice chuckled as he glared in the direction of the voice.

“Easy Bulldozer, Smasher is on our side.” A red haired man with a thick, wild-looking beard looked at the taller man with a small gaze as a shorter young man, no older than 20, just whistled a bit with an impressed look.

“Man…so he IS real. I just thought he was a rumor.” Said the younger man, as the bearded man, called ‘Wildman’ just chuckled as Bulldozer rolled his eyes.

‘Alright Rock, here’s what I know; they’re sending in the Tyrant over to Markovia as a way to make them surrender to Kapitän Nazi.” Spysmasher explained as Sgt. Rock scowled at this. ”However, I believe I can help take him out.”

“Alright, what’s the plan?” Sgt. Rock asked as Spysmasher lead him along, talking in more hushed tones so that way, in case anyone could be listening, they couldn’t hear.

(meanwhile…In a Nazi Base outside of Markovburg. 19:12)

A man dressed in a gray Nazi uniform with the eagle and swatsica on his shoulder ran into a room, looking around and saw a man by a table, looking over a map of markovia. “Herr Krieger, vord from zee front.” The man said nervously as the man stood up, revealing himself to be a towering man, standing at 6’4, with blonde hair, dark blue eyes and tanned skin, with a noticeable swastika tattoo on his forehead and wearing a Nazi Captain Uniform, taking the paper from his hand and reading it over.

“Hmm…so, zee Allies have arrived en Markovia ant you did not tell me zis sooner?” the man asked, glaring down at him as he picked the man up by the front of his shirt, easily lifting him up.

“Please Herr Krieger, it vas a mistake! I vill not do it again! I svere!” the man said in fear as the larger man drops him, glaring at him.

“Zee that sie do not.” Kapitän Nazi said with a scowl as he heard a chuckle as an older man, around the age of 40, walk up wearing a lab coat.

“Having problems, Herr Kaptain?” asked the scientist, as he gave him a chuckle, the taller man glaring daggers at him.

“Vatch your mouth, herr Morrow. Vee have been very patient vith you, sir, so sie better deliver vith this new plan of yours.” Kaptain Nazi warned as T.O. Morrow chuckled at this, looking at him as he whistled.

‘Say hello to my latest automaton: far more advanced than that stupid GI Joe Robot the Allies have.” Morrow said as a figure walked up, looking at the group stoically. He appeared to be a blue eyed, red metallic humanoid wearing a purple military styled cape over his shoulder connected to a triangular clip, a silver belt with a tornado-esque buckle on it, purple gloves and a familiar circle with a ‘T’ in the middle and an arrow pointing down on his forehead; the Tornado Tyrant himself.

“This is the WIND marker in my Four Red Mechanical group: Tornado Champion.” Morrow said as the super soldier looked him over.

“Zo, you vill take down zose pathetic Americans?” Kapitän Nazi asked with a scowl as Tornado nods at this.

“Yes.” The machine said with a nod. “I will condone no use of going against these threats to our nation.”

“Why does he talk like an American?” the nazi super soldier asked with a glare towards Morrow.

“I cannot program our mother tongue onto him. When I tried…it sounded VERY off. English seemed to be the easiest language for him to speak.”

“I am awaiting orders, Captain.” Tornado explained as Nazi nods, glaring down at him.

“Zen go destroy zat base, Tornado.” Nazi said as Tornado Champion nods as he walked outside and, with a sudden increase in air pressure, suddenly took the air as his body rotated in a way that made him similar to a turbine as he took to the air.

“Vill he return after his mission?” Nazi asked Morrow as he nods, giving a smirk as he watched the machine flew off.

(Aparo Barr Base. 19:42)

“Vaughn, get a connection to the Allies and tell them we are gonna need back up as soon as they can get here.” Rock said as a hefty man wearing glasses nod, as a skinnier man got his gun out at this. “Four-eyes, Jackie, get ready for anything.”

Spysmasher was near his Gyro-Sub, listening to a radio as he nods. “I tapped into a signal…The Tornado is heading this way.” Spysmasher said as he got something out of the Gyro-Sub: a dark gray pistol, the same kind the museum would have later on. He nods to Rock, who nods back.

“You heard the man, battle stations! Get ready for that mechanized freak show.” Rock said as a sudden gust began to get in as several soldiers opened fire at Tornado Tyrant, who was flying in slowly before landing, a swirl of clouds around him that kept th bullets from hitting him. Bulldozer growled as he ran over and punched him, but Tornado caught the punch and threw him aside, making the large man yell out with shock as he hit the ground.

Two men grabbed his arms to try and hold him down, but saw his neck get extended and spun around, making the two men yell out as they were sent flying from him.

Spy Smasher fired his gun but it was taken away from him by a wind blast as Tornado looked at the man curiously, tilting his head before advancing forward as Spy Smasher swung his fist, but stopping when the robot looked like he was ready before he was sent a kick his way, making the robot get hit by the surprise attack.

“I know your trick, Robot; you’re a learning robot, meaning you learn from everything around you, same with those other Red Androids.” Smasher said as Tornado nods at this.

“You are correct…but I know you are an intelligent man, and I am prepared for what you have in store.” Red Tornado said as a tank was aimed at him.

“Oh yeah? Try that!” Said Spy Smasher as he jumped away, confusing the machine before turning nad seeing the tank fire at him, causing an explosion to occur

“Nice shot, Bulldozer!” Rock said as Dozer just smirked…but went wide eyed when he saw the Explosion was being crushed under something as he saw Tornado unharmed, using his wind powers as a way to contain the explosion and dissipating it.

It groaned a bit, making Spy Smasher get an idea. He ran towards his Gyro-Sub and turned it on. “What are you doing?” Dozer asked, seeing this.

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” Spy Smasher said as he went forward as it turned on, making the android turn as he was then slammed into him at the increasing speed of the Gyro-Sub, making him get pressed against it as they were sent outside.

‘This is illogical, human. Why take me outside?” Tornado asked as he took off from the Gyro-Sub. “I am a master of the air.”

“You’re no master of anything, robot. You’re just some puppet for the Axis, and no offense, but you don’t know what that makes you.” Said Spy Smasher, as Red Tornado glared at this as he fired a blast of wind, which the Gyro-Sub avoided quickly, resulting in it almost getting knocked out of the air due to the sudden turn but gets turned back around and aims right at Tornado, who’s eyes narrow as he flew forward, ready to deliver a powerful blow.

“take this!” Spy Smasher said as his sub’s turrents came out and fired, making Tornado yell out as he was hit, which caused damage to his gloves and boots as he sent a wind to get them away, causing the ripped fabric to fly off, exposing his hands and feet.

“Interesting…but ineffective.” Tornado said as he flew forward, as Gyro-sub flew forward and tackled into him again, taking him more up as he pulled back, as Tornado flew back at this. Spy Smasher smirked as he pressed a button.

Suddenly two missiles came to Tornado, making him go wide eyed as the two missles were about to be turned off, but they were shot and sent an explosion, sending Tornado away and into the frozen top as his impact alone caused several inches of snow to cover him, leaving the robotic there, deactivated as it laid there as the snow covered him up. Spy Smasher watched this from afar, a frown on his face.

(Present Day)

(Washington DC, Hall of Justice. March 23rd, 14:23)

“And there you go, my friends. That is how it came to be on that mountain, and what ever is in that robot’s head could help us find out what other things Morrow had.” Said Alan, as the heroes present looked over the downed machine “Hell, maybe it can even tell us where he’s from.”

“I believe this can help with that.” Said a voice as Martian Manhunter arrived, getting a strange head-like device as Alan stared at the alien oddly at this.

“…and I thought GI Robot was an odd sight…” Alan mutters as he watched them hook him up as Cyborg typed away at a computer, reading over schematics.

‘Hmm…” Cyborg rubbed his chin as he pressed a few buttons, before some alarms came out of the computer.

“What the hell is that?” Amanda demanded as she yells out, seeing sparks coming out as everyone backed up from this as the electricity went through the wiring and hits the Robotic warrior, making it jerk a bit as the electricity went through it.

“Power Flux?” Superman asked, as Cyborg looked it over and nods.

“Eyeah…I think when we went into it’s memory banks, we might have activated a deactivated defense mechanism.” Cyborg said as he heard a creaking noise as the group went wide eyed.

“…Is the robot moving?” Christian asked flatly as the group turned and, indeed, the machine was slowly standing up, groaning a bit. “IT’S ALIVE!” Christian said with shock as the machine looked at them quizzically.

“…is now really the best time, son?” Alan asked flatly as he looked at the machine cautiously but noticed something about it, as Batman got his batarang out just in case.

“…Greetings.” Tornado said stoically, making the more science-savvy of the League look at each other quizzically.

“…Uh…hello…what do you want?” Superman asked cautiously, taking a cautious step forward, which the robot mimed. Superman looked at the others at this but walked over, which the robot mimicked as well.

“…What the?” Christian asked as he moved his arm up and down, as the Robot copied, making him go flat-faced. “Ah great, he’s more broken than we thought…”

“Where am I? How long have I been inactive?” the machine asked curiously, as Amanda walked over, being cautious as she made sure to have a hand over her gun.

“…It’s been over 70 years since you been last active, Tornado.” Amanda said cautiously as the machine nods, as he looks around.

‘…and I assume, the Axis has lost?” tornado asked as they all nod. “…So, what should I do now?” The heroes looked at each other cautiously as Amanda got her communicator out.

“Holt, you may have something to study after all…that Tornado Robot is now reactivated and he seems, well…out of it.” Amanda said as she looked at him cautiously.


(Berlin, Germany. 22:10 German STAR Labs)

At a laboratory in Germany, a man was on the phone. The man in question was a very elderly man who had a gray coat, neck-length gray hair and dark blue eyes, looking on the phone. “hallo, this is Krieger. Yes? Tornado is reactivated? Hmm…Danke. I vill get back to you.”

He walked into a hidden hallway, as a young woman looked at him curiously. “Grandfather? Vhat is it?” She asked as the older man went to a old-looking cyro-sphere with a figure trapped inside.

“My dear Libertine…our time is almost here.” He said, as he adjusted his glasses, smirking as he looked at the figure. “Isn’t that right, big brother?” In the sphere was actually Captain Nazi, currently in a cryo sleep. Behind him was four slots that held three machines on the inside: the other three Red Robots of Morrow's!

End of One-Shot

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this. I am sorry it took so long to make this, but things have come up. But I hope you all liked it and please Read, Review and Suggest away!
I own none of the characters here unless they are my OCs. All non-OC characters belong to DC comics and their creators.

Synopsis: while the League are studying the mechanical marvels of the Tornado Champion, they are visited by the golden age hero, Spy Smasher, who recounts the day he had first met the mechanical warrior during WWII. What insight does this war veteran have when it comes to this mysterious robot and his background?
© 2015 - 2024 Shadow-DJ
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Scholarly-Cimmerian's avatar
Strangely, I was just playing "Wolfenstein - The Old Blood" before reading this. Fitting in a way, huh?

Nice work all-around. I love the idea of T.O. Morrow and the Tornado-robots as having connections to the Nazis and WWII, and it was fun seeing the heroes like Sgt. Rock and Spy-Smasher. I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen to Red Tornado in the future!